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Using User Home Page Service

On this page, You will see how to make up your home page.

  1. Subscribe to User Home Page Service.

  2. Making up your files.

    • Here are some hints on naming your files.
      The homepage, the top page of your website, should be named "index.html".
      When the file named "index.html" exists in the directory shown as URL, the browser software loads the "index.html" as the default page.
      If you don't named your homepage "index.html", You need to add your homepage file name to your URL.
      ex) If your home directory is "/gold/jens", and
      You named your homepage "index.html or index.htm".
      URL = http://given server name/gold/jens
      If your home directory is "/gold/jens", and
      You named your homepage "homepage.html".
      URL = http://given server name/gold/jens/homepage.html

      Upper case letters "A-Z" and Lower case letters "a-z" can be used for your file name.
      Your user path name will be case-sensitive.

    • You can make up your files easily using authoring tool software.
      Here is the list for a famous authoring tool software.
      Software Vender PC
      FrontPage Microsoft Windows95, Windows NT
      Home Page Builder IBM Japan Windows95, Windows NT
      Netscape Navigator Gold Netscape Communications Windows95, Windows NT, Macintosh
      Adobe PageMill Adobe Windows95, Macintosh

  3. Uploading your files

    • Your upload server will be,
      Upload Host : upload.spinnet.jp
      Your Home Directory(absolute path) : /given path/your user path name
      Login ID : Your Mail address
      Password : Your Mail(POP) Password
      - If your URL is : "http://given server name/gold/jens, your Home Directory(absolute path) is /gold/jens.
      - If your FTP software does not allow you to use @ mark in the Login ID, Please use % mark instead of @ mark.(ex:abcd%***.***.ne.jp)

    • When you login to the upload server, the directory shown above will be your home directory.

    • When you access the upload server, please access using SpinNet.
      You can NOT access the upload server with any other Internet connection.

    • If you are using Windows95, the easiest way to use wsftp95 or the FTP commands from the MS-DOS prompt.

    • If you are using Macintosh, the easiest way to use fetch3.0.3.

  4. Access your homepage

    • Enter your URL to your Browser software.
      Your URL will be
      ex) If your home directory is "/gold/jens", and
      You named your homepage "index.html".
      URL = http://given server name/gold/jens

  5. When you have a trouble

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