Can I use my own original CGI?
Can I change the path name for the Homepage?
Can I use it for commercial purposes?
I do not know how to use FTP. Could you upload the contents for me?
Where can I get FTP software?
Can I put a link to some other website on my Homepage? Do I need to get the consent from the owner of that website?
Can I expand the amount of server disk space beyond 50M bytes for my User Homepage?
Can I log on to the server with Telnet?
I forgot the URL for my Homepage.
Can I check how much disk space I have used?
Can I specify the Mime Type?
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I get a message saying that the password is wrong during FTP.
I cannot upload/download a file.
When I try to read my Homepage with a browser, I get an error message like "Forbidden".
When I try to read my Homepage with a browser, I get an error message like "Not Found".
An image is not displayed.
An image is crushed.
Letters in the text are converted into unreadable symbols and/or characters.
The counter which uses an image that I created does not work.
The same number appears in every page.
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