MYHOME.web SpinNet
[ Japanese | Usage guide | Service agreement | Top page ]
Usage Guide
"MYHOME.web" will be terminated on July 31 (SUN), 2022.
Thank you for using our homepage browsing / editing feature "MYHOME.web".
MYHOME.web is for members of SpinNet's User Home Page Service. If you are a customer of our SpinNet user and have not registered for the User Home Page Service, please register beforehand (No additional fees).
Please check this usage guide, and then read the service agreement carefully.
The merits of MYHOME.web are:
+ You can create a "Web Album" on your home page space using your digital camera's photos, and then share it with your friends and family.
+ You can make an original "Greeting Card" on your home page space.
+ MYHOME.web runs quickly if you have a broadband connection, but you can also use it with a mobile connection.
+ No extra software is needed. You can use a web browser such as Internet Explorer.
+ You can check your disk usage of User Home Page Service.
Logout, and quit your browser
To ensure your privacy and security, please note the following points:
1. Before using
Some browsers, such as Internet Explorer 5.5 or later versions, have an "Auto Complete" function, which stores any IDs and passwords you input using your browser. When using someone else's PC or a shared PC, please switch off the function before logging into MYHOME.web.
2. After using:
When you finish reading or writing mail messages, or when you leave your work sheet, do not forget to click on the "Logout" button. We strongly recommend you clear the browser cache when closing your browser.
3. Keep your mail password safe:
Please keep your password private and secure. We recommend that you choose a password different from your User Login Name, Mail Address, or numbers such as "1111", which could easily be guessed.
Specs and trouble shooting for MYHOME.web
Specs and trouble shooting for MYHOME.web is available on our manual pages. If you have any trouble, or want to know the specifications of MYHOME.web, please refer to the manual page.