Oct 27, 2004
Start of JENS SpinNet eADSL 47M Plan

Dear Customer,

Thank you for using JENS SpinNet.

We are proud to announce the start of the "JENS SpinNet eADSL 47M Plan" which has a maximum bandwidth of 47Mbps download and 5Mbps upload.

*** JENS SpinNet supporting high-speed eADSL connections ***
Right now, JENS SpinNet is promoting a campaign to support this high-speed ADSL connection -- a golden opportunity to give this outstanding service a try!

1. Service Name : JENS SpinNet eADSL Service ADSL 47M Plan
2. Starting Date : October 27th, 2004 (Wed)
3. Service Area : All Japan
* All areas in Japan where eAccess provides 47M service.
4. Monthly fee : Same as the price of "JENS SpinNet eADSL Service ADSL Plus Q Plan (40M)". Please refer to the following URL:

*** JENS SpinNet supporting high-speed eADSL connections ***
Now the following campaign is underway! For campaign conditions and periods, please refer to our web page:

a.  Initial Fees Waived for 47M Plan!
b.  Free Modem Rental for up to 2 Months for 47M Plan!
c. Initial Fees Waived for LitePlan (1M) and Plus II Plan(24M)!
d. Additional Savings for Upgrades from Plus Q Plan (40M) to 47M Plan!
5. Registration : Please refer to our webpage, and register on-line.

<Customers who are using eADSL Service>

<Customers who are NOT using eADSL Service>

If you have any questions or comments, please contact our Customer Support Center.